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Livsim Policom

Livsim Policom company logo
County Buckinghamshire, England

Keywords associated with this company:
geotechnical study, geo study
Do you want a geotechnical study?
Geotechnical documentation is prepared for both new and existing constructions and is the basis for the design of any building.
The geotechnical study is part of the technical project (P.T.) and is presented in the appendix to the project for the authorization of the execution of the construction works (P.A.C.)
Request a geo study to know if you can build and under what conditions!

S.C.LIVSIM POLICOM S.R.L makes geotechnical studies anywhere in the country for construction:
- Civil
- Industrial
- Telecommunication
- Mining
- Energy
- Town planning and communal household
- Road, tunnels, railways
- Ports and shipyards
- For hydrotechnical facilities
- Land Improvements
- Other categories

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