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Bandana Blue 23-3612

The product Bandana Blue 23-3612 is sold by Metcon Install company and is part of the Fire Protection Equipment product category. For more details (pricing, promotions and expert advice) about the product Bandana Blue 23-3612 you can contact the company Metcon Install via an offer request below.
Bandana Blue 23-3612
Sold by: Metcon Install -
Price: 33.01
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Bandana Blue 23-3612. Weldas bandanas features: inner lining for cool comfort, the material is treated against water entry and strengthening due to flushing. It has a special insert for sweat absorption and comfort when wearing under a helmet.
Bandanele flame retardant certified: prEN ISO 11611: 2003, TÜV BP60008973.

Products in the same category: Fire Protection Equipment
