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Cutting machine with diamond disc Makita SG1250

The product Cutting machine with diamond disc Makita SG1250 is sold by Wunder Haff company and is part of the Concrete & Asphalt Cutting Machines product category. For more details (pricing, promotions and expert advice) about the product Cutting machine with diamond disc Makita SG1250 you can contact the company Wunder Haff via an offer request below.
Cutting machine with diamond disc Makita SG1250
Sold by: Wunder Haff -
Price: 2636
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Cutting machine with diamond disc Makita SG1250. Innovative torque damping (SJS) system; ; Smooth start and stop for gear and disc protection; ; Electronic system with automatic adjustment for optimal torque control; ; Aluminum alloy die-cast reducer and protector; ; Deep-groove protection case; ; Can be connected to an external suction system;

Products in the same category: Concrete & Asphalt Cutting Machines
