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Microwave Trion TR 7279

The product Microwave Trion TR 7279 is sold by Gabibe Consedil company and is part of the Microwave ovens product category. For more details (pricing, promotions and expert advice) about the product Microwave Trion TR 7279 you can contact the company Gabibe Consedil via an offer request below.
Microwave Trion TR 7279
Sold by: Gabibe Consedil -
Price: 317
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Microwave Trion TR 7279. TRION TR 7279 MICROWAVE OVEN

TR 7279 dininox microwave oven; grill & grill combination, 5 microwave levels.

Microwave power: 900 W
Grill power: 1000 W
Capacity: 28 L
Timer 95 minutes
Defrost function
Digital display

Products in the same category: Microwave ovens
