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Work Gloves 10-2209

The product Work Gloves 10-2209 is sold by Metcon Install company and is part of the Fire Protection Equipment product category. For more details (pricing, promotions and expert advice) about the product Work Gloves 10-2209 you can contact the company Metcon Install via an offer request below.
Work Gloves 10-2209
Sold by: Metcon Install -
Price: 25.53
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Work Gloves 10-2209. Working anus general purpose leather palm.
Our work gloves with leather palm are made to ensure protection activities in which only the palm is subjected to mechanical risks. The skin layer next knuckles and cuff provides extra protection. The material on the back allow sweat vapor to quickly remove. All gloves have cotton lining for comfort.
Color safety (visibility) and 7.5 cm cuff.

Products in the same category: Fire Protection Equipment
